Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays

Christmas Morning - Smile

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving wasn't to giving !

I don't know if I even want to talk about how our Thanksgiving was.

Why? because I don’t know if I really want to remember that day. But I think that I need to express my thoughts and feeling about the dramatic event. It was very upsetting to me and I hope that we all learned from the experience.

For those of you that will read this know what took place, so I don’t think I need to relive the details. Besides, you’ve already posted your thoughts on your own blog.

The important thing to me regarding the event was that it opened my eyes to the importance of relationships and family. As a family we tend to feel we have the right to pass judgment on the people that are significant in our lives, even if the expression of our own opinions our hurtful. We seem to constantly forget that to respect other opinions we don’t have to agree with them or change what we believe. You simply just agree to disagree and walk away with dignity and a stronger relationship.

It’s when you gang up on the odd ball out and stab them in the back when their not looking that creates destruction of your family unit. We get so caught up in our own agenda and make it the priority over relationships. That was the part of the evening that I will remember. The part that hurt not only me, but others. That was the part that we should have thought it out before we spoke. I commend the effort to make it right and the apologies that were given. That did make it easier to smile again.

I want my family to know that the most important part of my life is to see and feel that we are all in this together, through good and bad no matter what. That all of you are essential in my life and I respect and love you unconditionally. That it doesn’t matter who you voted for, or if you go to church, or if you have made bad choices in your life. We all make mistakes and have our own agency to choose.

After the experience of watching Grandma Hoxer leave this life. I have learned to appreciate my family and my relationship with them. My only regrets that I live with everyday since she’s been gone is that I didn’t appreciate her more. That I didn’t express to her how much she meant to me. I regret not calling her more often. As I face that same fear with my father who sits at home struggling to take a breath in pain, and agony. I struggle on how to express myself to him. I wonder if I say “I love you” enough.

Thank you for being who you are. I love you all so very much !

The Hoxer Family

The Hoxer Family